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Extensible Markup Language  |  2006-09-15  |  9KB  |  132 lines

  1. ∩╗┐<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  3. <!--
  4. Shareaza Afrikaans Schemas File translated by Johann van der Walt (Thesage)
  5. Shareaza Portuguese Schemas File translated by Lukas Taves (LightHeaven)
  6. Shareaza Catalan Schemas File translated by Daniel Olivares Gim├⌐nez
  7. Shareaza Chinese Simplified Schemas File translated by Shareaza Team China
  8. Shareaza Chinese Traditional Schemas File translated by James Bond
  9. Shareaza German Schemas File translated by Spooky; jlh
  10. Shareaza Estonian Schemas File translated by Janza
  11. Shareaza Spanish Schemas File translated by Help
  12. Shareaza French Schemas File translated by Antoine Martin-Lalande (Sensi)
  13. Shareaza Hebrew Schemas File translated by _peer_ (H.L)
  14. Shareaza Croatian Schemas File translated by Biza
  15. Shareaza Hungarian Schemas File translated by Yuri
  16. Shareaza Italian Schemas File translated by ale5000
  17. Shareaza Japanese Schemas File translated by DukeDog; CyberBob
  18. Shareaza Lithuanian Schemas File translated by Rolandas Rudomanskis
  19. Shareaza Dutch Schemas File translated by Jan-Willem Koornwinder (thurstydog); jonne
  20. Shareaza Norwegian Schemas File translated by Tom Seland (seli); vnmartinsen
  21. Shareaza Russian Schemas File translated by dAbserver; Rolandas Rudomanskis
  22. Shareaza Slovenian Schemas File translated by Martin McDowell
  23. Shareaza Serbian Schemas File translated by Woodstoock
  24. Shareaza Turkish Schemas File translated by F. Do─ƒru, F.A. Sara├ºo─ƒullar─▒
  25. -->
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  33.               <title language="ca">General: Arxius fantasmes</title>
  34.               <title language="chs"> σ╕╕Φºä:σ¢₧µö╢µûçΣ╗╢</title>
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  36.               <title language="de">General:Ghost Files</title>
  37.               <title language="ee">├£ldine:Varifailid</title>
  38.               <title language="es">General:Ghost Files</title>
  39.               <title language="fr">General:Ghost Files</title>
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  41.               <title language="hr">General:Ghost Files</title>
  42.               <title language="hu">├ültal├ínos: Szellemf├íjlok</title>
  43.               <title language="it">Generale:File fantasma</title>
  44.               <title language="ja"> Σ╕ÇΦê¼: πé┤πâ╝πé╣πâê∩╜Ñπâòπéíπéñπâ½</title>
  45.               <title language="lt">Bendra:┼áe┼í─ùlin─ùs bylos</title>
  46.               <title language="nl">Algemeen:Ghost bestanden</title>
  47.               <title language="no">General:Ghost Files</title>
  48.               <title language="br">General:Ghost Files</title>
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  50.               <title language="sl-SI">Splo┼íno:Navidezne datoteke</title>
  51.               <title language="sr">General:Ghost Files</title>
  52.               <title language="tr">Genel: Niteliksiz Dosyalar</title>
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  63.                        <title language="chs">µáçΘóÿ</title>
  64.                        <title language="cht">µ¿ÖΘíî</title>
  65.                        <title language="de">Titel</title>
  66.                        <title language="ee">Pealkiri</title>
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  68.                        <title language="fr">Titre</title>
  69.                        <title language="heb">╫¢╫ò╫¬╫¿╫¬</title>
  70.                        <title language="hr">Naslov</title>
  71.                        <title language="hu">C├¡m</title>
  72.                        <title language="it">Titolo</title>
  73.                        <title language="ja">πé┐πéñπâêπâ½</title>
  74.                        <title language="lt">Pavadinimas</title>
  75.                        <title language="nl">Titel</title>
  76.                        <title language="no">Tittel</title>
  77.                        <title language="br">T├¡tulo</title>
  78.                        <title language="ru">╨¥╨░╨╖╨▓╨░╨╜╨╕╨╡</title>
  79.                        <title language="sl-SI">Naslov</title>
  80.                        <title language="sr">Naslov</title>
  81.                        <title language="tr">Ba┼ƒl─▒k</title>
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  85.                <title language="en">Ghost Files</title>
  86.                <title language="af">Ghost Files</title>
  87.                <title language="ca">Arxius fantasma</title>
  88.                <title language="chs">σ¢₧µö╢µûçΣ╗╢</title>
  89.                <title language="cht">Θ¼╝µ¬öµíê</title>
  90.                <title language="de">Ghost Files</title>
  91.                <title language="ee">Varifailid</title>
  92.                <title language="es">Ghost Files</title>
  93.                <title language="fr">Ghost Files</title>
  94.                <title language="heb">Ghost Files</title>
  95.                <title language="hr">Ghost Files</title>
  96.                <title language="hu">Szellemf├íjlok</title>
  97.                <title language="it">File fantasma</title>
  98.                <title language="ja">πé┤πâ╝πé╣πâê∩╜Ñπâòπéíπéñπâ½</title>
  99.                <title language="lt">┼áe┼í─ùlin─ùs bylos</title>
  100.                <title language="nl">Ghost bestanden</title>
  101.                <title language="no">Ghost Files</title>
  102.                <title language="br">Ghost Files</title>
  103.                <title language="ru">╨ó╨╡╨╜╨╡╨▓╤ï╨╡ ╤ä╨░╨╣╨╗╤ï</title>
  104.                <title language="sl-SI">Navidezne datoteke</title>
  105.                <title language="sr">Ghost Files</title>
  106.                <title language="tr">Niteliksiz Dosyalar</title>
  107.                <subtitle language="en">This folder contains every file which you've deleted from the Library.</subtitle>
  108.                <subtitle language="af">This folder contains every file which you've deleted from the Library.</subtitle>
  109.                <subtitle language="ca">Aquesta carpeta cont├⌐ els arxius esborrats de la teva col┬╖lecci├│.</subtitle>
  110.                <subtitle language="chs">µ¡ñµûçΣ╗╢σñ╣σîàσɽΣ║åµëǵ£ëµé¿Σ╗ĵö╢ΦùÅσñ╣σêáΘÖñτÜäµûçΣ╗╢πÇé</subtitle>
  111.                <subtitle language="cht">ΘÇÖσÇïΦ│çµûÖσñ╛σîàσɽµëǵ£ëµé¿σ╛₧µö╢ΦùÅσê¬ΘÖñτÜ䵬öµíê</subtitle>
  112.                <subtitle language="de">Dieser Ordner enth├ñlt Informationen ├╝ber alle aus der Bibliothek gel├╢schten Dateien, die Sie kommentiert oder bewertet haben.</subtitle>
  113.                <subtitle language="ee">See kaust sisaldab k├╡iki faile, mis sa oled oma Raamatukogust ├ñra kustutanud.</subtitle>
  114.                <subtitle language="es">This folder contains every file which you've deleted from the Library.</subtitle>
  115.                <subtitle language="fr">This folder contains every file which you've deleted from the Library.</subtitle>
  116.                <subtitle language="heb">This folder contains every file which you've deleted from the Library.</subtitle>
  117.                <subtitle language="hr">This folder contains every file which you've deleted from the Library.</subtitle>
  118.                <subtitle language="hu">Ez a mappa a K├╢nyvt├írb├│l t├╢r├╢lt f├íjlokat tartalmazza.</subtitle>
  119.                <subtitle language="it">Questa cartella contiene tutti i file che hai cancellato dalla libreria.</subtitle>
  120.                <subtitle language="ja">πüôπü«πâòπé⌐πâ½πâÇπâ╝πü½πü»σà¿πüªπü«πâ⌐πéñπâûπâ⌐πâ¬πâ╝πüïπéëπé│πâíπâ│πâêΣ╗ÿπüºσëèΘÖñπüòπéîπüƒπâòπéíπéñπâ½πüîσÅÄΘî▓πüòπéîπüªπüäπü╛πüÖ∩╝êπâòπéíπéñπâ½Φç¬Σ╜ôπü»σ¡ÿσ£¿πüäπüƒπüùπü╛πü¢πéô∩╝ë</subtitle>
  121.                <subtitle language="lt">┼áiame aplanke yra visos bylos, kurias J┼½s ka┼╛kada i┼ítryn─ùte i┼í savo kolekcijos.</subtitle>
  122.                <subtitle language="nl">Deze map bevat elk bestand dat je hebt verwijderd uit de bibliotheek.</subtitle>
  123.                <subtitle language="no">This folder contains every file which you've deleted from the Library.</subtitle>
  124.                <subtitle language="br">This folder contains every file which you've deleted from the Library.</subtitle>
  125.                <subtitle language="ru">╨¡╤é╨░ ╨┐╨░╨┐╨║╨░ ╨╛╤é╨╛╨▒╤Ç╨░╨╢╨░╨╡╤é ╨║╨░╨╢╨┤╤ï╨╣ ╤ä╨░╨╣╨╗, ╨║╨╛╤é╨╛╤Ç╤ï╨╣ ╨Æ╤ï ╤â╨┤╨░╨╗╨╕╨╗╨╕ ╤ü ╤à╤Ç╨░╨╜╨╕╨╗╨╕╤ë╨░.</subtitle>
  126.                <subtitle language="sl-SI">Ta mapa vsebuje vse datoteke, ki ste jih brisali iz va┼íe knji┼╛nice.</subtitle>
  127.                <subtitle language="sr">This folder contains every file which you've deleted from the Library.</subtitle>
  128.                <subtitle language="tr">Bu klas├╢r k├╝t├╝phaneden sildi─ƒiniz t├╝m dosyalar─▒ i├ºerir.</subtitle>
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